Child of God

Outlet for an amazing journey.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

8 Years of Hindsight

I want it back
The time when She was
Too weak
To open her mouth,
To take a drink

I want it back
The couch
The chair
The half-hour that I
stared, stared, stared

I want it back
S t r e t c h e d out and
The silence,
the dim-darksuffocating living room

I want it back
The chance to fill my mother's last moments
With the sound of her only soun's voice
To make the choice
To not be silent; to make emotional noise

I want it back
The last time I went to bed
(With a mother)
The last time I said "Goodnight"
To my Mother

I want it back
The bitter end
To a bitter fight
To make less bitter
The memory of that merciless, haunting night(mare).


I want to set it free
Break its bonds;
Unleash it.

To exterminate the virus
Heal its eye;
To wake it from this perpetual dream.

To dust it off
And open it up;
And use it.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Where Do I Fit?

"Where do I fit?!"
my flesh does cry.

"Not with them, nor there!"
my fear does reply,

"An outcast! A bore!
There is nothing,
that you are good for!"

So I seep in my shame.
Losing heart, losing life.

But slowly I hear the voice
of One with a voice more powerful
than the voice of Hate.
My Spirit cries on my behalf
to the one known as "Love".

Now from deep inside
I hear a different out-cry,
"How great is the love
lavished upon us that we
should be called children of God."

Then I remember where I belong;
In God's arms.